Thursday, July 28, 2005

Storm outside,
The elements rage
A union of sorts
A celebration of sorts
As water surges
Wind bellows
The earth soaks in fulfillment

Man howls foul!
Nature's fury he laments

Nature neither kind
Nor cruel
Nature simply is

That which creates
And sustains
Destroys too
Dissolution is inherent in Creation

Desire--Good bad, ugly?

To desire is fine. To seek for something always is the way of mankind. Each of us has goals and goals. Each role we play in life has a goal! A goal at work, a goal at home. Some have spiritual goals too. To reach for something. If the desire is propelled by a want that will not harm any other, by all means get it. A good house, a better job. Desire is a beautiful tool use it. Yes desire which is at the cost of another person, is definitely the root of all evil which all Masters warn against. This is the negative side of desire. It is like fire. Fire burns, yet fire sustains too, provides food for life too. Just the same with desire. Every quality has three sides to it creation, sustenance and destruction. Desire creates a need to live a better life, sustains you keeps you going at your goals never mind the obstacles. And very importantly can also destroy you should get enslaved by desire. So use desire as a tool, a means to an end.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Life never fails to amaze
A maze
Eternally unknown, yet seemingly so predictable
Funny this thing called life
Vibrant vivacious beautiful
Yet can appear vicious and unfair too
Eternally beguiling

Yet simply a gift
For this is the place
Where heaven and hell reside
Not miles apart
Side by side
Wish for one
And you will be tossed aside
To the other

This is simply the place to be
A wonderful opportunity to merge
With as One
With the Divine
Back to where we belong

Then life is bliss
A beautiful journey
That is a destination too