Thursday, November 23, 2006

This too will pass

Dark clouds that will pass
In a while
Till then I shall be away awhile
Helping my little one to cope
When there seems no hope

I wish she knows
There is a rainbow at the end waiting
Of Light and Love eternal

Wish she knows
I am with her in this too
With her joys too

I celebrated her success
I cry with her too
In agony and distress
In success and exhilaration
I can see just the One

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sunrise on Diwali

A Celebration in Silence

Amidst green woods and hills

Sans the usual hustle and bustle

Sans fireworks

It was beautiful

A time to be alone

Monday, October 09, 2006

Birth and Death
Let me die that
You may be born
In me

Then shall a vehicle be born
Of Love, Compassion Infinite
That is You

Then can it flow
All that You pour in me
Of Love and Knowledge
Like water from a bamboo spout
Like music from a flute

Till then shall sorrow reign
Till then shall bliss elude

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Define, Refine and Redefine??

This funny thing about definitions
Elevates some demote some
Draw lines where there are none

Pluto till yesterday was a planet of great fame
Now not even a name
Just a number
Like a million more numbers

‘Pluto’ will be what it is
What it always ‘was’

Never mind the miniscule man
Who defines and ‘redefines’
Nature is beyond the grasp of definition

A mystery to be tasted and relished
Every moment like a toddler does
In wonderment and gratitude
Not solved and resolved

‘Pluto’ is
Just as the Truth is

Never mind the million definitions

Of the Truth that is

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Some command yet others demand
The one who demands is one
Engulfed in fear of losing of variant hues
Of money, power, name and fame

He that commands respect
Is but a mirror that reflects
One speck of the Love Infinite
That melts all fears
Respect born of love
For One so blessed

Monday, September 04, 2006

Words can kill

Words are dealier than venom
Can kill in a matter of hours

Wounds inflicted on the body heal
Wounds inflicted on the mind leave deep scars

A bright and brilliant child's life snuffed out
By careless words from a so called 'teacher'
Who couldn't deal with her own frustations

Performance is not the end all
be all of life

There is a future for all
The big and the small
The short and the tall
The smart
and the not so smart

Children are gifts
To be nurtured
Not racehorses geared
To win and only win

Not assets to show off
By parents and colleges

Its truly sad that things
have come to this end

This is the peril of a Goal- driven
where only results matter
no matter what

(I write this for Anup Bopaiah a 16-year old student of Christ Jr. College Bangalore who ended his life when humiliated and threatened in class by a teacher. )

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The river that flows also serves

Brings water from down the mountain
Nourishes yet again
Yet again
Till its very breath

Trees that nourish fruits simply
With their very essence
Yet watch as the fruit drops off
No matter if plucked or dropped

To renounce is to renounce like the tree
To serve with love simply
For Nothing

Sanyas is a state of mind
Where there is love aplenty
Purpose none
Reasons none
Where all you see is N-ONE

To be a tree that stands tall
Or a flowing river
Is just One.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Happy Independence Day

Wish on this day
Just as there is sunshine for all
There be peace for all
Prosperity for all
Wish just as the shines
There be happiness and prosperity
For all
Salute this earth
That nourishes me
Teaches me patience
And perseverance

Salute these waters
That nourish

Like a mother
Lucky was I to be born as a human being
Luckier still to born here in this blessed Land

Of Seekers and Masters Galore
To received a glimpse of the
Eternal wisdom

Jai Hind!!
Unity in diversity

To degrade one is not to upgrade the other
Simply adding color to that which simply is
Every creature is perfect as it is
Unique and special,
To compare and contrast is ignorance
Accept the uniqueness
See the unity in diversity

Friday, July 21, 2006

Rise and shine

( A student once remarked out of fear what if I fail? I write this for her)

To stumble to fall is the way of life
To pick yourself up and move despite the strife
Is what you make out of life
Its is okay to fail too
For failure is a prelude to success
Every slip, every fall in the path
Is a but a spur in the path
Of success

Accept the victory and the failure with equal poise
Never complacent with either

That is the way to go
The way to move on
To create your own destiny

Monday, July 10, 2006


Remember this day with gratitude and reverence
Remember my Master’s ever-smiling form
His Compassion for one and all
His boundless Grace
He kindled a lamp in me
Of Love
Of Truth
Of Knowledge

Remember all Masters
for the Truth they unfold
In their Eternal Presence
With gratitude and reverence

Some with a name
Buddha, Christ Kabir and many more too
The nameless rishis of yore too
Who express the Truth that is
Simply with no intent
For a patent

Reverence for the Truth That flowsThrough them
And reaches
Just as the Ganges flows down from Shiva’s locks
To reach each and every one
That wishes to Know


(We in India dedicate this day to offer our respects and love to our Masters who share their Knowledge with us )

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Two feet have I
To walk this world
Two hands serve this world
To work and worship

One spiritual the other material
One sets the other into motion
Like one foot moves the other
Feet move

Together matter and spirit

How can i be only spiritual
Or only worldly
Two parts of a complete whole
Just one
Each supports the other
Incomplete without each other

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Conduits of Truth
Birthdays of Masters
Commemorate their Being here
For simply no reason
Not to condition,
Not to reform
No expectation of a reward
An award
Yet they simply give
In silence
Not for a ‘cause
Not for a ‘because’
Simply Love
Simply share their Being

To see a Master is
Grace beyond words
Their forms many
Essence just One

Their words speak
Their actions too
Their Silence too

Of the One Truth

Just the sight of the Master ignites a spark so bright
Of such radiance that dispels all darkness in sight

To utter his name
To hear his words
Is bliss beyond words
Now why all the this

The mere thought of my Master dissolves everything
All that remains is Bliss unbounded

Monday, May 22, 2006


Hear my Love speak to me
Not in words,
An embrace in Silence.
A presence in an absence
Bliss of being as I walk around feel all around me.
A voice in Silence.
Precious moments in life
Feel of rain drops on my cheek
Gentle drizzle
Muted light
Through a haze of trees
One with all around
Oneness in Silence
A feeling of being home
Nothing to think
Nothing to say
Just be
A moment in Eternity

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mind and Water

The glass of water is turbid
Set it aside awhile
Till the mud settles in a while
The mud shall settle
Then shall light pass through

The mind full of thoughts too is turbid
Set it aside
Watch it awhile
Thoughts float away
The Light within
Shines through

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Its was just a movie
A mundane ordinary movie
With not so great a language to it
Yet it spoke—

Its of people and situations
Reactions and responses
Sometimes good
Sometimes bad

The woman molested by a white man
Found to her horror he was the only man
To save her from a car crash
To let him pull her out or not
To decide in a matter of seconds
As gasoline drips
And a fire rages

Her mind entrenched in the past screams
“No don’t touch me”
Reality of the present strikes
and she lets him save her

To me it was
About impressions
And judgements
That cloud the mind
Once entrenched in the past
Can erase the present
Turn the future non-existent too.

Truth extra-ordinary
from something as mundane
As a movie so ordinary

As usual
Catches me unawares
Yet again
Yet again.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Some depress
others impress
Mind’s reflections
On people, situations

Reflections are just that
Stay a while
Float a while
Change too like the moon

The Truth they emanate from

Friday, February 24, 2006

Wealth is a tool
A weapon too
That which protects can hurt too

The pen, paper, sword
Tools too
Weapons too

Should the one who wields chose to
Destruction is inherent in Creation
As is sustenance and protection

The sea that nourishes, kills too
The earth that bears in patience
Trembles, gives way too

Absolute ‘good’ and absolute ‘bad’ are
A figment of this mind’s perception

Creation just isTruth just is

Monday, February 13, 2006

Of the gross and subtle
The subtlest leaves first
The grossest leaves last

Spirit back to spirit
Fire back to fire
As the flames at first crackle
Water to water,
Air to air
The flames then roar and soar
As body turns to dust

Now all that I knew of as a form is no
More than dust on the funeral pyre

The person whom I served
Food and cared for

Who was he?
This handful of dust?

No screams this mind
The spirit that he was lives on

Of Compasssion
Of Love
Of selflessness
Putting his needs last

Never thought of himself
Stood like a huge banyan
Sheltering all
An inspiration
For Strength
And courage to
Meet life head on
Not shirk from responsibility
No matter what
This is wealth he left behind
For me to treasure
For evermore

Monday, January 30, 2006

Fear not

See that you do in your heart
In the silent meditation
In faces all around
The One Divine

Try this little game
The next time fear strikes
Look at anything around
Tell yourself silently
Each face
Each blade of grass
Is but a reflection of the Divine in me
That which moves me, moves them too

And say a word in silent greeting
From deep within
Not aloud
Look at faces in gentle reverence
For but a second
Watch fear melt,
Like fire melts ice
Fear is for the unknown
How can your own
Be unknown?
For there is just One Divine

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

She is a mother like me
Has children just like me
Watch her as she takes care of them

I did pass by her home one day
Just a small trench

She wagged her tail
Jumped on me
And showed me her own
Little ones

Little ones with pink stub noses
Spotless white, cuddly cotton balls they seemed
And tails that flicked this way and that
As they tried to reach to their mother bosom

I looked on with amazement
At the miracle of Creation

My eyes filled with tears at the
Trust the Mother placed in me

As she let me touch and caress them
This gift I shall treasure, ever

For she did treat me as her own
That day I learnt just this
The spirit of motherhood is just one

We are neighbours in this world
To live and Love and share together

Monday, January 16, 2006

‘Pain and pleasure
Spur and obstacle
In the quest of One DIVINE
Pain spurs on
Pleasure deludes;
Bliss eludes’
Some do perceive such
Acceptance of both
Reject none
Awareness of both
Is to transcend
For they are One

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Shiva and Shakti
The source and the expression
One cannot exist without the other

The human body, mind give expression

To the soul within

The soul has to express
And express and experience
It needs a vehicle
The body and the mind are such

Vehicles by which the soul
Takes an opportunity to express
And experience the divine
This is the basis of all human actions
Performed consciously or unconsciously

The body shall die without you saying, “okay now you may go”
The mind too shall walk away too without your permission
They are just around for you to be used
As an expression of the divine, to experience the divine

When the realization of this ultimate goal of this life

All ‘doership’ in actions ceases
All karma ceases

From then it is just one
Journey to merge into the Infinite
One as ONE

( This came about spontaneously as I read a comment in Cosmic Consciousnes)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

‘God’ is a presence
Not a person
Felt not seen
An experience of Love and warmth
Ever-present, all around
Waiting to engulf,
Should you but allow

An awareness of this every moment,
Is Bliss here and now
Not in the distant future
Or in an unknown heaven

Why bother about birth and death
If this life is a dream
All the ‘lives’
Before and those to come are dreams too
The One Truth that encases all is ever-present
This birth or the next shall ever be in the arms of
The One.

Yet another opportunity to experience that Love
Yet another opportunity to merge

Thursday, January 05, 2006

This month a year ago

It been a year since the Tsunami struck. We lived just a couple of kilometers from the beach where the Tsunami struck. Until then the word Tsunami was not commonly known in Chennai, India before.

I just recollect what happened that day. It was a Sunday and to be woken up with the cot shaking was an experience. Earthquakes never did happen in this part of the world. At first I thought I was a little dizzy maybe and thought would just wash my face to properly wake up. Then found the water in the half-filled bucket swaying. The first thought was if this body of water could sway what about the huge one lying just by the side should it sway. And horror of horrors it did sway three hours later.

My book Kitchenette Soul had been printed and the copies neatly stacked at home, awaiting release. I was extremely apprehensive to say the least about the release of the book. I have never written before. When the news of the water coming inland, I thought to myself “Should this book see the light of the day, by Grace it will.” By the magnitude of the disaster we escaped by a hair’s breadth. Not many others were lucky. It’s a blessing to be here communicating with all of you.

The book was released on New Year’s Eve last year in the presence of My Master. It’s truly, truly a blessing to be Here and Now

My Master introduced me to the writer in me. I never knew there was one in me, never ever thought that a book would come out of some spontaneous writings that happened.
Through the book he opened the door to the whole world out there for me, effortlessly from just where I was.

The book introduced me to people I never would have met otherwise. It been a wonderful experience of expanding from where I was to interact and meet so many new people.

Blogging also happened consequently and that expanded my horizons still further. To meet so many great minds, encounter such beautiful thoughts everyday, that spark of a chain of positive thinking in me too. Its truly truly has been wonderful 2005

A time where I celebrated Life.
Tasted success,
Tasted some joys,
Some sorrow
A little anxiety,
shared some pain,
went through pain too,
and then change too
Left my 'own' people and place
To a 'new' place and 'new' people
Find they are mine too


Tuesday, January 03, 2006


An amalgam of five is me
All that I see around is an amalgam too just like me

The earth I tread on is a part of me
My teacher too
The water that sustains me is a part of me
The air that enters me is me too

I was created from the five
I shall return to these five elements
Just here for a while to experience the Divine
This Body and Mind are vehicles to experience the Divine
In me and around me