Friday, September 24, 2010

Devotee:  You my Lord

Are my Only God

Never think of anyone thus

Love you thus as my God

God:  “Your God meaning?”

Devotee:  The One I turn to when in need
You, a shoulder I cry upon when the world
Proves too much
Look up to you for everything

God: You turn to me in need
 Yes Indeed!!
When not in need?

Devotee: No dear Lord I remember you every week
Of course make offerings
For your blessings

God: Yes of course
One rupee in return for a lakh
And a million curses should I not oblige?

I am the Creator what would I want more?
Creation Born of Fulfillment

Seeks none
Favours none

You love me
As one who fulfils your every need
Cry out in sorrow
I am just a support a source of solace?

I am such
But  am much,  much more should you see me as you
In happiness and sorrow
In times of agony and ecstasy
The unchanging One that remains

Unite with me

As is me
and that unruffled state is yours
In joy and sorrow
In success and failure
All opposites are twins born
They are always together
Look beyond both polarites
The Ulimate One
That is me and that is in fact… You

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I stepped in through the doors
of the place once home
Memories came flooding by
Of children their laughter
And clatter
Memories of seasons gone by
Of fun and frolic
Laughter and sorrow

Then for just a moment
Just let the memories go by
Experienced the stillness left
Like a sky when the clouds pass
A stillness present
Then and now

A space untouched by none
Without a name

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Looked down upon my dress stained
While at work
Wondered why I did not wear an apron
For it would have kept the stains off

Then as I wore the apron there came a little whisper from deep within

"Just as you wear an apron to work
To come out of work unstained and unhurt
Thus shall  you wear the apron of non-attachment
Not be stained by like and dislike
Opposites of every color and hue
Working living a full life of all hues

Yet untouched by  all"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

See the miracle called world
to see the mystery
Or the misery?

To see each as a link in an eternal dance
Of eternity

Particles in a giant wave
Of colors of infinite hues
Each of breathtaking brilliance
The universe is forever new
Its in the now

The misery is in the passing
It cannot last even if you would wish it to

Watch the mystery of this universe
Its eternal…………..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yours Truly

To Love that One
You need forsake none
Simply claim all as your own

Not ‘own’ as in ‘posses’
Simply hold at heart so near
That all are dear

Divine is not a jealous spouse
To demand exclusivity in Love
Simple ‘inclusivity’
Love that encompasses all

Not to escape this world
But embrace as one’s own

This is Liberation of the subtle kind
Eternally free
Yet ‘eternally yours truly’

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just Watch…….

Who creates differences between you and your loved ones, the ones who you hold near and dear?

Many a time its your very own mind, with its tendency to magnify differences

The mind is a wonderful machine a quirky kind of magnifying glass which knows only to magnify the ‘faults’ of others and ‘good’ in you.

The mind is your best friend and your deadliest enemy. It can elevate you to a higher plane of thinking and consciousness, when it dwells on the oneness around or can push you into the world of division, comparison, judgmental thinking.

So when such thoughts of divisions come, followed by comparison and judgment,

The way out is to tell oneself ‘yes differences exist as each of us is designed this way’.

This brings in acceptance. Acceptance is not tolerance. Tolerance is a kind of repression through which one just is forced to put up with a lot of things. Acceptance implies ‘no why about it’ attitude, in full awareness of the underlying oneness with all around.

Acceptance paves the way for expansion of one's being. When there is no conflict in the mind, then its possible to retrieve a situation, to transform a problem into a solution. A solution will never come, no matter how hard one tries, when there a million ‘whys’ screaming within.