Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jai Ganesh

One so tall
One so huge
Breathtakingly awesome
With gentle wonderful eyes
That speak so beautifully
Of Love and compassion unlimited
A silence that is eternal

Magnificence of divinity in each
See Ganesha is the idol and in all that those
That cheer loud and dance in joy
Omnipresence indeed!!
They clap and dance when he comes
And sing and dance when he leaves
Symbolize life and celebration
Celebration in birth and dissolution

There is brilliance in a worm
Beauty and grace
In that which in mundane terms
Is a pest
To a mind that seeks ‘a cause’
And use in everything---

Pet to some
Pest to some
Life sustains life

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Yearn to sing to you so much
The Love that fills me so much
Have not words that can express enough
Love you is all I can say through tears
To meet you  I have to drop
To meet to merge
Would be to shed
Every clothing of this soul
Of the mind
Of the intellect
Of everything
To turn nothing
Nothing just the
Presence that’s One
Your absence invoked your presence so
Understand now why Radha to let you go
For in your physical absence
Did she merge
In your Omnipresence
As You in spirit
One with you forever
She was truly blessed
Yearn for this union
To merge in that which is