Thursday, September 01, 2005

She licked me all over
Wagged her tail in appreciation
Then scampered off into the bush
While I looked on in anticipation
And in flash
She came back with a dead rat
I ranted and raved
“How could you?
When I give you the best of everything
And you bring in that rotten thing
You are utterly exasperating”
And did give her a whack
And walked back

Then a while later
I did hear
From deep within
“They are dead rats too
That you chase in your mind too
Of people, situations gone by”
While surrounded by the best
Every moment,
Think of the worst!”

I did laugh out loud,
And yes dear, dear Master you are much, much, more compassionate
Than I was with the pup

1 comment:

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

What animals chase in the physical domain, humans chase in the realm of the mind.
It is in the next step of evolution that all chasing stops!