Saturday, April 08, 2006


Its was just a movie
A mundane ordinary movie
With not so great a language to it
Yet it spoke—

Its of people and situations
Reactions and responses
Sometimes good
Sometimes bad

The woman molested by a white man
Found to her horror he was the only man
To save her from a car crash
To let him pull her out or not
To decide in a matter of seconds
As gasoline drips
And a fire rages

Her mind entrenched in the past screams
“No don’t touch me”
Reality of the present strikes
and she lets him save her

To me it was
About impressions
And judgements
That cloud the mind
Once entrenched in the past
Can erase the present
Turn the future non-existent too.

Truth extra-ordinary
from something as mundane
As a movie so ordinary

As usual
Catches me unawares
Yet again
Yet again.


Red Bark said...

Seems like it made an impression on you.

Thanks for the recommendation. I read some reviews and decided to order it.

kitchenette soul said...

Yes it did,

Thank you

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

I saw it too, the same time as you. A memorable scene indeed.