Monday, September 21, 2009

To spout wisdom when the sun is out, shining bright
And things are just right
Is easy

To live it when the storm rages within
With no solution is sight
When thoughts hurl faster than bullets
When its dark all around
To see the light
Of insight
Is a man of steady wisdom

Untouched by the polarities that life has to offer
Happiness and joy
Ever evolved
Wholeheartedly participates in life
Yet can withdraw like a tortoise
Withdraws its limbs into itself
And remain
United in the Consciousness within

He sails through like a ship
Untouched by the waves of uncertainty
Above like and dislike

Not enslaved by emotions
For they are his tools
To live a full life
Yet remains untouched
Like a lotus leaf
In water


Merging Point said...

Beauty! yes, it is easy to sail or speak wisdom when all is fine but the steady wisdom reveals itself even in the otherwise side of the fine...
I loved the flow in this poem...

kitchenette soul said...

Dear Merging Point,

Thank You!

fruitu said...

Nice post kitchenette soul!

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

The two phrases in the Bhagavad Gita - Kurmonganiva Sarvashaha - The man of steady wisdom withdraws himself when required - all limbs into the shell, like a tortoise.
Padma Patram Ivambhasa: Like a droplet of water shining and rolling freely over a lotus leaf.
Nice poem.

kitchenette soul said...

Dear Fruitu:
Thank you!

kitchenette soul said...

Dear Swahilya:

Yes indeed! two phrases that say it all,

Thank you for visiting. Its been a really long time,since I met you or so it seems to me!!