Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just Watch…….

Who creates differences between you and your loved ones, the ones who you hold near and dear?

Many a time its your very own mind, with its tendency to magnify differences

The mind is a wonderful machine a quirky kind of magnifying glass which knows only to magnify the ‘faults’ of others and ‘good’ in you.

The mind is your best friend and your deadliest enemy. It can elevate you to a higher plane of thinking and consciousness, when it dwells on the oneness around or can push you into the world of division, comparison, judgmental thinking.

So when such thoughts of divisions come, followed by comparison and judgment,

The way out is to tell oneself ‘yes differences exist as each of us is designed this way’.

This brings in acceptance. Acceptance is not tolerance. Tolerance is a kind of repression through which one just is forced to put up with a lot of things. Acceptance implies ‘no why about it’ attitude, in full awareness of the underlying oneness with all around.

Acceptance paves the way for expansion of one's being. When there is no conflict in the mind, then its possible to retrieve a situation, to transform a problem into a solution. A solution will never come, no matter how hard one tries, when there a million ‘whys’ screaming within.

1 comment:

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Acceptance is simply being....a meditativeness.