Monday, December 17, 2007

Mixer, blender toaster, refrigerator
All that makes life easier
Instruments empowered from the same power
That lights up
Defies darkness
Experience the ‘power’
Never touched it with any of my senses
Yet know it by its power to perform

Creation all around an expression
Of the Omnipresent ONE
The force behind all
That enables
Know the Divine only by its expressions
As I know electricity by the lamp that glows

The sun that shines
The water that runs
Bespeak of the One Divine


Merging Point said...

Never touched it with any of my senses
Yet know it by its power to perform
---- Beautiful expressions!
Some can be tasted, some can only be felt...eventually all experiential...

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

How lovely and full of truthful. You are connected with your Maker and using your talent to express it. It's beautiful to see a writer on their true journey in life.

Hugs, JJ

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

Good morning, dear kitchenette soul. Have a super holiday!

Hugs, JJ